
Showing posts from January, 2012

Boss Quattro 6.1 MSI

Type :- MSI Issues :- 1) Source is a EXE which launches 2 seprate executables and before the second executable (for license) , it launches an MSI. Sequence is of source installation is as follows a) main executable b) MSI (which installs the nutcracker service) c) License executable (Samtech license) 2) Application could not find the license , giving an error "SAMCEF.CLE " not found. Solution :- 1) I first installed the MSI (nutcracker service gets installed through this MSI ). Various MSIs are available as for differnt OS (Present under exec\oe\nutc). then i captured the remaining two executables. 2)On launching the shortcut which points to Boss.bat , a command prompt opens and further a window which asks to START BOSS. on selecting this option if license is not set it gives the error "SAMCEF.CLE " not found. The license for the application is set by a environment variable "SAMCEF_LICENSE_PATH". When the license is not set , the applicat...

Structure of MSI package

Logical structure of packages A package describes the installation of one or more full products (Windows Installer does not handle dependencies between products) and is universally identified by a GUID (the PackageCode property). A product is made up of components, grouped into features. Products A single, installed, working program (or set of programs) is a product. A product is identified by a unique GUID (the ProductCode property) provides an authoritative identity throughout the world. The GUID, in combination with the version number (ProductVersion property) allow for release management of the software's files and registry keys. A product is not the same as a package: a package is identified by a unique GUID (stored in the Summary Information Stream) and provides identity and release management for all the contents of the .MSI file. Release management of a Product pertains only to changes in the files and registry keys that make up a software application. Release managem...

Sequencing applications that require a reboot

If you've ever tried sequencing an application that has an installation program that requires a reboot you may have run into this dilemma - How do you restart the computer if you're running the sequencer to capture the installation actions?  While on the surface this may appear impossible, we've actually made accommodations for applications like this. If an application requests a valid restart, click Stop Monitoring to enable SoftGrid Sequencer to process the restart tasks. After the restart tasks are complete, click Start Monitoring, and then click Install Again to continue to install the application if you have to. If the application installer prompts you to restart, click Yes. Many applications unnecessarily request a restart.Sequencer will be on and only the processes will restart. This gives the application the required restart without actually doing it. Also we can run the command from cmd "shutdown -r -t 0", which is on the same lines as that of stop ...

MSI for Safesign

Type :- MSI Issues :- Drivers need to be installed and uninstalled manually . Taskkill required on uninstall Resolution :- One MSi was a vendor MSi i.e.  "Safesign.msi" and the 334.exe need to be captured and the Files and registries of this application can be added to the transform. Drivers  of the "334.exe"(USB reader) be installed and uninstalled using DPinst . CA_taskill added at the uninstall.

App v for fiddler

Type :- App V Issues :- Updates Resolution :- Updates have been disabled during the monitoring phase through TOOLS-> Fiidler Options->Check for updates on Startup has been unchecked.