
Exponent Texture Analysis

Version :- Type :- MSI Issue :- Drivers compatibility and post configuration. Solution :- 1] We have downloaded latest drivers compatible with windows 7 64-bit and installs through custom actions using dpinst.                                                                                           2] Application requires full permission on "C:\Program Files(x86)\TE32" and "KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Stable Micro Systems\TEE32".                                 3] Application post configuration would be done by end user.                                         ...

Using scripts in app v

You can run scripts in app-v so as to have some functions which cannot be achieved otherwise . Scripts can be also used to set up particular configurations that a program may require to run correctly. For troubleshooting purposes, copy the osd-file from the content folder for example the local drive of the computer. Make changes in the OSD-file only in this copy!! You can add a script from the .osd file of a SoftGrid-enabled program to a client that has the necessary interpreter installed. To include a script in an .osd file, you must determine the following: • When the script runs • Where the script runs • How the script runs All scripts must be added between the tags in an .osd file. You can refer to an existing script by its file name. Or, you can enter the exact syntax of the commands in the script section. When the script runs You can use the .osd file to run scripts at various times during the startup of SoftGrid-enabled programs. The "SCRIPT TIMING and EVE...

App-v Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C

Issue:- Attempting to upgrade a package in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) fails with error 04-0000180C: sftmime add package:"TEST" /manifest " " /overrideUrl " " The Application Virtualization Client could not complete the operation. The operation failed because the GUID in the package manifest matches a package name other than the one specified. Verify the package name, and then try again. Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C Solution Generic App-v Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C Cause This error indicates that there is a mismatch between the package name of the original package and that of the upgraded package. This results in the App-V client incorrectly determining that there is a duplicate GUID, when the PackageName for the two packages is same and the PackageGUID is different or viceversa. To successfully upgrade a package, both of the following conditions must be true: 1. The package GUID must be the same (the Versio...

How to uninstall patch

Uninstalling a patch using MSIPATCHREMOVE on a command line:- Msiexec /I MSIPATCHREMOVE= /qb Example:- Msiexec /I {0C9840E7-7F0B-C648-10F0-4641926FE463} MSIPATCHREMOVE={EB8C947C-78B2-85A0-644D-86CEEF8E07C0} /qb - Uninstalling a patch using the standard command line options:- Msiexec /package /uninstall /passive Note :- The /passive standard option is not an exact equivalent of the Windows Installer /qb option. This will uninstall only patch applied on any product.
How to remove File Type Associations on the App-V Sequencer Steps to Follow: 1. Revert your sequencer to the clean snapshot. 2. Copy the package you want to edit locally to the Sequencer 3. Launch the Sequencer 4. Select "Modify an Existing Virtual Application Package" 5. Select "Edit Package." 6. Browse to and Select the package you want to edit and click EDIT. 7. Once the package is loaded browse to the OSD tab and select the application you want to edit from the "Select Application" dropdown. 8. Expand MGMT_FILEASSOCIATIONS> FILEEXENTSIONLIST and then FILEXTENSION until you find the File Type Association you want to delete. 9. Right-click and delete the SHELLNEW first. 10. Right-click and delete the FILEEXTENSION. 11. Repeat as needed for additional File Type Associations. 12. Save the package.

Packaging of Dot net framework updates

Dot net framework updates Issue :- Silent setup to be used 1.            For installing the application following switches were passed to the EXE /Q /NORESTART 2.            For uninstalling the application following switches were passed to the EXE /Q /UNINSTALL

Packaging of Interactive guide tools for MS office

Interactive guides for office tools Issue:- Disable desktop shortcuts Type :- MSI Solution:- To remove the desktop shortcut:- Comment the Custom action “CustomCheckA_SetProperty_ CHECKBOX1” and Delete CHECKBOXA1=1 property