App-v Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C

Attempting to upgrade a package in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) fails with error 04-0000180C:

sftmime add package:"TEST" /manifest "" /overrideUrl ""
The Application Virtualization Client could not complete the operation.
The operation failed because the GUID in the package manifest matches a package name other than the one specified. Verify the package name, and then try again.
Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C

Generic App-v Error code: 4605F3-18305104-0000180C
This error indicates that there is a mismatch between the package name of the original package and that of the upgraded package. This results in the App-V client incorrectly determining that there is a duplicate GUID, when the PackageName for the two packages is same and the PackageGUID is different or viceversa. To successfully upgrade a package, both of the following conditions must be true:
1. The package GUID must be the same (the Version tag and VERSIONGUID tag will change).
2. The package name must be exactly the same. This can be verified by opening the original and upgrade package's manifest XML in a text editor to compare the NAME and GUID tags.
The NAME tag is derived from the Package Name field on the General Properties tab of the package. The App-V Sequencer allows this field to be changed after sequencing a package but before saving the files. To avoid this error, do not edit this field.


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    Application Packaging
    Sccm Deployment
    Application Compatibility Toolkit


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