Ultra edit 18.XX

1)      Setting custom installation of the application in silent more
2)      Disabling updates
3)      Removing the startup window
4)      /QB switch does give GUI
5)      During uninstall explorer.exe is restarted.

Type :- MSI

Ultra edit 18.00.1025 ,is the text, HTML and hex editor, and an advanced PHP, Perl, Java and JavaScript editor for programmers. UltraEdit is also an XML editor including a tree-style XML parser.

For the custom installation of this application , when in UI mode can be easily done, but when installing it with silent switches it is a problem. When you open the MSI using any tool,  you find that there are no dialog boxes . Also there are no properties set for the installation type. On taking log of the installation as well you do not find any solution.
When you compare the silent installation and the GUI installation with custom installation using picture , you will not find any difference and hence unfortunately there is no method by which you can change the installation type.

To disable the update and disabling the “Quick start guide” we need to add the following properties to the Uedit.ini file .
Show Daily Tip=0
check for updates =0
This file is created on first launch at the location %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit.  You can pass these files through INI file table. For the healing set a HKCU registry in the same component as that of INIfile, and set this registry as the keypath.

Since the application does not work in /QB mode , install it using /QN switch.

To disable the restart of the explorer.exe add the following properties to the MSI


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